This blog isn't just about Herbs, and food. It's also about my organic, natural, recycled or outdoor projects. God gave us the earth, lets use it respectfully. :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Garlic, Rosemary Vinegar

 Garlic, Rosemary Vinegar is super easy to make! You slice, or chunk the garlic up and put it in a quart jar (I would suggest a whole clump, if not more). Then put some fresh rosemary in the jar, however much you like. Then fill the jar up to the line (where the bottom of the lid will go) with vinegar. And that's it! Let it sit for 6 weeks (in the dark).
 According to Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody, Garlic is an antibiotic, expectorant, anti-parasitic and more. Rosemary is an astringent, digestive remedy, antiseptic, diuretic, anti-depressant and much more.